Wednesday, March 31

Primate Ethology

I'm studying the feeding habit of pygmy marmosets this week...
They are just adorable:


Sauna session on the heat exhaust

Thursday, March 25

Tip of the day

If you have injured your elbow, do not try and twist it underneath your body while sleeping.

This will result in such severe pain that you:
1) wake up from it
2) can't use your arm the whole day
3) are back on painkillers

Essay puzzle

I'm currently trying to get a 3 page summary of our oral presentation to become one.

Its like an advanced jigsaw puzzle with the copping block close at hand.

Wednesday, March 24


That was our final time. of our oral presentation in taste of Primates
Over 20 min marked down
under 15 min no grade,

We got marked down by 40 sec. Damn you teachers that don't know how to keep it short (talking about myself)

Tuesday, March 23


why are you so hard to find in the right order?

Saturday, March 20

Girls night out

my plan for tonight is:



I'm officially a Uni student again..

This time I'm taking a course in Primate Ethology.
next week I'll hopefully have a meeting with the course supervisor so that I can find out what I need to do to get my Masters in science.

Monday, March 15

Beach 2010 trial 2

Ok trial 2. Fingers crossed that my elbow holds up and that there are no more major accidents this spring that will keep me off the track.
I'm not allowed to put any wieght on it, but will try a bodyjam class to see how that goes and when I start uni this week I'll start using the treadmill where I'll be staying.

photo: beach bunny

Worlds worst cat owner

I forgot to buy catfood last night....
that means this morning I had two starving cats. Threw myself into the car and drove to the gasstation that was open.

The only catfood they have there is friskies. I might as well have given them some cereal instead (if you look at nutritional value)

Wednesday, March 10

Tuesday, March 9

Friday, March 5


Last thursday we have an outdoor PE day at work. This day we have once a year and the students get to decide what kind of winteractivites that they would like to do during the whole day. I decided to do the same as last year and tag on the students that wanted to go skiing and snowboarding. It is usually a really nice day in the slopes.The only thing you need to do as a teacher is to make sure the students get their slopetickets, food ticket and get there and from. If no accidents happend that is.

This year I wasn't as lucky as I was last year. Around noon the last run before we were going on lunchbreak I fell not in a steep slope or fast or anything, just lost my balance where it was flat. Unfortunatley I took the entire fall with my left arm & managed to bend the eldow in the wrong way. That was it for my day in the slope.

After lunch I was keeping the busdriver company and being boored. My elbow was hurting, but didn't think it was that bad until we started driving home. The vibrations from the bus settled in my arm and the pain was making me nausious. So when I got home I had to drive to the ER and get it examined to make sure I hadn't broken or cracked any bones in the elbow.

Thank got that was not the case, just a sewere sprain and extended tendons. Since then I have bin eating painkillers 24/7 and had my elbow in bandage. Now I can move it but some movement makes the elbow pop and you can feel the bones shifting slightly inside.

New boots

Yesterday my Timbeland boots decided to give up and today the zipper officially died. So in panic I headed into town in my mission to find a pair of replacemnt boots on sale.

I managed to find these ecco boots on 50%. So happy, unfortunately they decided as all my new shoes to give my horrible blisters. So for the next couple of days I'll have to live in my uggs.

Aren't they pretty? For a normal person they would be knee high, but for me they are 10 cm short, but still like the look of them on.

Wednesday, March 3


True blood is finally back on Swedish telly......

The Amber spyglass

The Amber Spyglass
By: Philip Pullman

This is the third and final book of The Dark Materials triology. The first two books I finsihed quickly and then after seem to have lost my copy of The Amber spyglass had to borrow my friends book waited impatiently to got my hands on it. Told her that she would have it back within a week. That turned out to be a lie. For some reason it has taken me ages to finish it (ok ok about 1½month).

You finally find out why Lyra and Will are so important and what the real deal with her parents are. You also get your questions answered about the subtle knife, but that about it. I felt it lost its speed and energy that the first two books had. This one was more of a drag where you were reading page after page and nothing exciting really happened.
Its ashame when it all started so good that it lost a little in the end. But I do like that the ending is not a happy fairytale ending as it is with so many fantasy books.

I give it a three

pagecount: 801 + 465 = 1266

Monday, March 1

Vampire Diaries- The Struggle

Vampire Dairies- The Struggle
By: L.J. Smith

Yes I did finish both book 1 and 2 within a week. Did I like this one as much as book 1. Yes, but I think this one in some areas were a little to obvious what was going to happend (but it is a teen book to). Got a little over the blood drinking at one point, but really really liked it and now I paitiently have to sit and wait until the postalservice arrives with my package that holds books 3-5 for me.

Just need to find out what happens in the clearing when Elena steps through, How will Damon and Stefan react. But more impotantly how will Bonnie deal with it all?

I give this one a four. Don't like books that end and I HAVE to read the next book to finish a chapter (scene) or what ever you are going to call it.

pagecount: 621 + 186 = 807