Wednesday, May 30

Pretty nails now time to finish that thesis

Oh yhea on Friday it's big big deadline coming up. Working on the final touches right now

And then there was water (12hrs later)

I think some might have survived

Nail time

It's time to get my nails done

Two weeks without water

My herbal garden is not looking to well at the moment

Wednesday, May 23

Agility for beginners

I started my morning with a friend when she was training her dog.

My little pony!!!

Tuesday, May 22

Sunday, May 20

Rainbow dip dye hair

Ok this dip dye trend I have looked at and been like meh. Not for me.

 Then Kenza did her hair and it looked really good (on her) but I was still like meh.

 THEN this morgning I found this post on bjutiful me and went like ME WANT NOW!!!

and now this is all I can think of. So need to call my hairdresser asap tomorrow morning! I found this picture at ellekinney's blog and think I wil bring it to my hair dresser as inspiration.

Wednesday, May 16


Come follow me on instagram.
my username is: o_ame80

Wednesday, May 9


I just want to put out a warning for these!!!

They are addictive as hell and contain no nuts so you can give them to anybody not on a diet...

Sunday, May 6


Still working on how u can justify these into my shopping ban.

This far we have the arguments:
Fit like a glove - ok not good enough
Cost €5 - might work
Have three occasions to wear them in may - just need to wear them at these occasions then
Interior decoration for my shoe shelf - oh yhea still need to buy that shoe shelf

Sleep inspector

Ki always checks if you are awake or not. Preferably 25x each night