Tuesday, April 30

Spring shoe shopping

I'm in desperate need of new spring shoes. All of my previous seasons shoes have ended up in the bin or are in the extreme short list for the bin (ie they are totally worn out I just have to accept it).

This weekend Freeport in kungsbacka had a shoe weekend. Give one pair to charity and get a voucher worth 150 sek to buy a new pair with.

I found a gorgeous pair of from vagabond and then I managed to fill the bikini quota for 2013. Beach 2013 I am ready!!!

Oh and a hot pink bra and a loosefit simple dress for madagascar also tagged along home.

My mom also managed to find some things.

Sunday, April 28


I am currently enjoying my parents backyard in the fullest. This summer they are moving into town and into an apartment.

Photo taken yesterday, but this is my plan for today inbetween the run and packing.

Tuesday, April 23

Chocolatechipcookie dough sandwich chocolatechipcookie

Yes that is what I made to tonight. Am currently on a sugar high....

Saturday, April 20

Vaccination part 2

Tyfoid this time.
Swallow a tablet with a glass of cold water 1h before eating. Repeat this procedure day 1, 3 & 5.

Wow oral vaccinations really involves structures and planning (45 min to go until breakfast can be served)

Tuesday, April 16

Shopping in France

A couple of weeks ago I went to France, Bretange for work. Will tell you more about that shortly.

On saturday we did some sighseeing in the area and had time for some shopping and cake.
Don't they look delicious??

at first I found nothing except a scarf. I forgot mine at the school and it was cold not having something around your neck. SO I bought a new one.

Then I walked into a store and if I had had the money the store would have been emptied by me, I totally fell in love with 90% of all the items.
Settled for two things.

A white blouse and a t-shirt with angels wings.

Monday, April 15


So over easter I did some renovations in my apartment. The entrance got a facelift with some new wallpapers on the walls.

This is how it looks like now.

Sunday, April 14

A little bit of shopping

Having spent the weekend in Linköping I am now all relaxed with fully charged batteries, a new haircut and colour + new items in my wardrobe.

My friend M found out on friday that she got the PhD position she had applied for and we needed to celebrate. Friday was not an option since I had a 25th birthday party to attend and she is currently in an ICLD (insanely low calorie diet).
Yesterday I had a 3 hr hairdressers appointment and after that a hangover to cure. Instead we decided to go shopping today and not for gymclothes.

The only thing I needed were basic items like eye make up remover, ankle socks and a new eye primer.

I found those items and:
  2 necklases on sale

 a cute singlet almost for free (ok ok I am planning to run hot summer days in this)

a shirt that had my name on it. Its monkeys and Tucans on it!!

A scarf - see above argument!

Dip dye

The downside of colouring your hair in unnatural colors. Your neck may turn a little blue....


After a fall on the ice in the woods last week during a run. My wound I substained in my hand is not healing well. Have now decided to try a compede bandaid on it. This to try and avoid more dirty coming inside it.

Tuesday, April 9

Shot one

Let the oral vaccination session begin.
First on the agenda: ducoral - cholera vaccination

Next: tyfoid - that is for next week for a five day period.

After 6 weeks ducoral shot two

Then 10 week malaria, will eat these during our trip to.

My hands my hands

I do not know what I have done. But they hurt and sting!