Saturday, April 7

The healing roller coaster

Yesterday was raw, emotional and insightful 

I ran into my college that I haven't spoken to or seen since she walked home from work in September. I felt naked, shaken, but also happy to see her. How she felt I can't even imagine, but I think we both had many demons fighting during those minutes. 

Afterwards I got over productive and got things done I have been supposed to do for a long long time. My brain was running thoughts going everywhere and all my friends were at work so I couldn't talk it off until my brain had run through everything. 

During my yoga and meditation in the afternoon I had so many new insights about myself. There was struggles but mainly acceptance. Clarity!

At the gym in the evening I was stronger than I have been in a long long time. My brain was empty and it was just me, the movements and the tabata bell. 
Afterwards there was physical pain, but good pain, pain telling me I had used my body in a good way. 

Yesterday there was so many steps taken on my road of healing. I know I have to let it take its time but now I also know what I need to work with.
