Monday, August 6


YES YES YES...........

In the beginning of summer I started to realize that both my black pair of jeans were getting a little tights (like you can't move/breathe in them) and then I tried on another pair that I only wear during the summer due to their length (little short only look good w thongs on feet).
Yesterday when I came home my summer pair were haning on my closet door haunting me, so I just had to try them on and see if they were keepers or time for them to leave.

AND they fit perfect little tight in waist, but they to strechout quite a bit so no dramas. You can belive my cheerfulness after that. Realized that I have atleast 3 more pair of pants in my wardrobe that fit me know :D
Now I'm just gonna be able to stick like that when work starts and the long drives in the car is back each day. Oh well just hit gym and eat healthy that should be ok.

AND NO LOLLIES floating around at home....

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