Tuesday, April 7

Åbo- Stockholm

Lets just descirbe this trip as a start of a nightmare that goes ok in the end.

When we were checking in we discovered that it was the monthly Ladies night cruise, secondly the redbull car pulls up, thirdly FIVE busses of already drunk military boys appear.

We new by then this was not going to be fun. And when we came to our cabins we were right, there were already parties going on everywhere and by the time taxfree opened the party(drunken slaughter field) was on.

We decided to try and upgrade our and our students cabins and were so lucky that we got 8 cabins in a row on deck10. It was alittle bit calmer here than on the previous deck.

we had some dramas but in general it was a pretty quite night (compared with how it would have bin on deck2). Only other problem than having to call security to kick a unwelcome guest out was that the tilt in our beds were so great that I almost slid out of bed several times during the night & that was on calm sees.

The bus ride home went with out any dramas and since then I have bin dead to the world, with a heavy headache and have slept 11hrs non-stop and then some...

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