Sunday, April 12

Frends from the past

Ijustt chatted with a friend from uni that I haven't spoken with since we had our last exam final year in Australia.

AS many of you guys now I got some visa issues and left Australia in quite a rush not saying a proper goodbye to everybody (or even letting them now I was leaving). I never quite realized how many people I did hurt by doing this and lost contact with. Through facebook I have managed to get hold of some, but many are still missing and about once a week think about any of them and wonder what they are doing now adays.

My old prac partner in class I have missed like hell and it has bin hard not knowig what he is upto now adays. And finally throug a friend on facebook I got his email.....

There is only a handful that actually understand and now what I'mgoing through and was handling those last days in Australia after I found out I wasn't allowed to stay... It was hard and saying goodbye is even worse, but not having said goodye is almost killing me somedays.

In Sweden people are arguing why do I wanna go back to Australia, What for and in Australia eveybody is wondering why its taking me so long to come back down under!

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