Thursday, May 14


I have bin cleaning my loset for a while being really hard on the one in one out principle and in this principle broke clothes doesn't count for exchanging a new piece of garment.

A couple of weeks ago a friend was here and was digging through the piles of clothes that I'm selling or givig o charity (the out clothes). She took 15 pieces!!

This friday I had another friend over that I forced to try on some garments that are just that little to small for me. she walked away with 2 garments.

but I still have 2 BIG bags of clothes that I'm supposed to get rid of, but just can't get my thunb out of my ass and drive to the charity bin or photo new clothes to put up on my bloppis.......

The thing is even though I have this rule, my closets are still cramped full. I need someone to get over here go though ALL my closets, boxes, drawers etc and help me get rid of some stuff.

I think I am harsh, but apperently not harsh enough.

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