Monday, August 10

7) The selfish gene

The Selfish gene
by: Richard Dawkins

Its finshed finally. It was good, but think I would have enjoyed it more if I actually read it while studying this stuff in uni then now a couple of years later on. It all was repetition, but interesting to read it in hos own words not being told from a lecturer infront of a class.

Its pure biological sciene, but if you are nterested in ecolution, genetics and theories of symbiosis, genes, parasites, phenotypes, DNA and evolution. Then this book is a must. Even though it might take a while to finish it.

I felt that I couldn't read to many pages at a go, becasue my mind started drifting. But inside and outside the topic. Many pages have bin read and reread and reread again because I had no clue where I stopped where I was or what was going on.

I give it a 3 although

Page ecount: 8353 + 266 = 8619

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