Monday, September 20


I'm ashamed and chocked. But not surprised wich I guess is even scarier.

Yes thats right Sverige demorkaterna made it into out government yesterday and now its offical that I live in a country where 5,8% of people allowed to vote are rasist.

But I'm going to follow as Katta Kvack said 5,8% voted for racism, but 94,2 % voted against and we just need to make sure than in four years when we have our election again that that number has shrunk.

I wasn't surprisde either when SD won the school election at our school with the comments following from some of my colleaguse. "We live in a democracy, we just have to accept how they think?!" I'm sorry am I supposed to accept racism at a majority then?!!!!

Lets just say its a black monday in sweden today.

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