Sunday, April 3

Wonderful weekens

I have just completed an awsome relaxing weekend.

Ended friday night with an After work session in Skövde that turned into an all nighter with E.

Saturday I had a sleep in until 9:30 am and then a long breakfast. After that we walked over to a friends house and the kids got to play all day. Then walked back past my friends boyfriends dairyfarm where we said hi until heading home to make homemade pizza.

Ended the night in the TV couch at E's place.

Today we got up had breakfast and then headed out to watch birds at Hornborgar sjön and after that we had lunch at Falkköping ost.

Coffe and cake at the parents in law (not mine) and now its tv night on the agenda.

I have escaped upstrairs shortly though (need a break from the kids and company)

1 comment:

Ia said...

Jag åkte förbi skylten till sjön i onsdags.
Och såg tre tranor på åkrarna i närheten