Sunday, July 29

Breaking the news

I never caught fire, lightning didn't struck and my friends son is now baptised

He talked all the way through ceremony and started flirtng with the priest and all.

Paparazzi award
goes to her aunt

Worst photographer
goes to her brother who managed to get an ear of kid & and ear of priest w the entre of photo blank.

Biggest surpirse
- another friends has a bun in the oven- due jan/feb

Most common gift
- money (ofcourse), ,closely followed by books

- happened twice: cuttlery from me & great grand ma (not same thank god) and the dinosaurland book from friend and sibling (really cool gift though)

Food and company was just amazing, t think my weight loss judgement should be over looked se I though mom to be had lost a lot of weight lateley (woops)

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