Sunday, July 29

What should be in every womans closet y 30

I stole this list from Lipgloss bitch who stole it from someone who stole it from Glamour the magazine

Befoe you turn 30 you should own at least 7 out of these 10 key garments and aessories, which will make the ultimate closet. Classical investments that you may have for the rest of your life and may combine in eternity.

1. Black pumps.- NO, but have many colourful pairs instead, still looking for the perfect lack pair

2. White shirt. -YES, have a couple actually

3. LBD (little black dress). -NO, still looking at the moment I don't even own a black dress (except my ball gown)

4. Trenchcoat. - YES

5. Belled skirt, -YES, one pink, one black and one red in that length just above or below the knee

6. Designer bag. - NO, need to save up some money for that one AND find the perfect model for me

7. Cardigan. -YES, but always in need of more

8. Pinstriped suit - NO, a charcoal black would be nice with both pants and a proper skirt with the suit jacket

9. Designerjeans. - YES,( if sass & bide, lee diesel count as designer if not then NO)

10. Ridingboots - YES (inte the stable)

6 out of 10 and the rest is on my list (black suit not pinstriped) so I guess I'm pretty close to eachig the perfect closet by 30 AND I have another 3 years until then.....

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