Yep you read right! That is what happened last night.
i woke up at two Am from some crash in my bedroom. Ofcourse I blamed the cats & they were involved chasing the poor thing.
I heard some strange hissing noice & my logical thinging was that it was a huge moth that had flown in through my open window (this has happened before). But I couldn't see any so I turned the lights out again and tried to go back to sleep just igonoring my cat that was chasing a moth. But the hissing contiuned and my cat was almost jumping on my head ( I figured the wasp was attached to my bedframe) so turn on the light again and look down to where he had jumped.
And ...
Litterally fly out of bed (ok ok to the oposite side of the bed) becaue I though there was a mouse like 3 inches from my face (squishe din between matress and matress), but a closed looke revield that it was a quite little bat that was scared of its life (no wonder when a huge black furry thing is chasing you).
Having lived in Australia for a while have it in my spine that bats might carry diseases and do not touch them with your bare hands! SO it was only for me to get ass out of bed, into kitchen find suitabe container (pray cat has not yet eaten it) and try to catch it.
Found container, bat had moved to a more secrue place ontop of a linencabinet I have in my bedroom. He was really easy to catch ( thank god) and then I released him on the balcony where he flew of into the darkness.
I didn't get a shot of him (whish I would have).
Sisn't sleep to well rest of night due to a hysteric cat that was looking for the strange creature & the fright that I would have him in my flat once again.
This was my closest encounter I ever have had with a bat. I do wish now that I new how to handle them so that I could have taken a look to make sure he wasn't injured.