Okok Lipgloss bitch justmade this list and I decided to hang on and answer it myself wich you cacn do to if you feel up for it. En lista att roa sig med då bloggtorkan råder. Vilka beautyprodukter står mest i fokus hos mig just nu? Haka på och lista du också!
Most frequently used: Lumenes eye primer to keep the eye makeup on in this horrible weather.
Missing in the makeup bag: Fake eyelashes from makeup store. They would be great for all the summer night paties when you just want a light makeup but with the WOW effect.
Best buy: Without a doubt. Chanel universelle libre loose powder I have said it before and say it again. It feels like silk o your face and lasts all day long without needing to retouch at all.
Biggest srpise in makeup jungle: Clarins beauty flash balm. It really lifts the foundation and daily makeup with its slight shimmer. Ijust love it. Think I may have becocme addited to it.
Highest on the list: Orgasm blush from NARS. Can't get it out of my head okok anythiing from NARS.
A bit curious on: Oh many things but especially what is in Hqhairs outlet shop. It takes a lot of strength each time not to violate the credit card. Like these and these and these and yhea well you gett the point
Pudret från Chanel ska jag absolut kolla in, doftar det något?
Näe det doftar ingenting. Vad jag har märkt. (inte överdrivet förtjust i startkt parfymerade prodkter)
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