The smell is heavenly a little thick and musky for summer, but since the summer seem to be absent it is working quite well with me at the moment.
It just melts into my skin. Fair enough my skin is really really dry since my little tannig session onn sunday (the one I turned into a lobster).
Another thing that I'm quite amused/ annoyed with is that when you try to get it ou of the tub it just kinda slides around, ie alittle hard to get out of tub, but the smooth feelin gyou get when it is put oto your skin is just priceless.
I give this product 4 bambies because of smell and the texture in tub.
My worry now is that since i got it on sale its a product that soon will be gone. Wich mean that I will have to ccontinue my serach for a new body butter.
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