1) before we take of they realize that there is to many passengers on the flight!! one guy had entered the wrong aircraft- clever dude really clever!!
2) Another guys luggage there were issues with so he would get them ariving with a later flight. At least they were nice enough to inform him this before we took of. Why can't it always be like that??? The waiting for luggage at bagage claim with no luggage arriving is honestly no fun at all and well if you can diminish the nerves early that is good.
3) Sick passenger on flight had to exit first and be escorted into the airport at final destiation.
4) Wait 20 min for bagage to arrive at carousell!!! Was wondering if maybe all luggage had bin delayed at one point sine its not like a HUGE airport with 100s of flights a day, my guess is like 5o flights a day and well how long can it take to unload and move the rolley 500m??

photo: thinkquest, oilempire,
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