Thursday, August 2

Paint job

As I told you yesterday I did a bit of a paint job yesterday. Today I brought the camera with me out to the garage to get some pic while it was drying. And to get a pic of what I boght today (will tell you about that later)

Well my 20 sek spice rack I bought second hand a while ago went from this:

to this:

hoping the fall on the lawn won't have ruined it to much, if it has I'll have to suckup to one of my aristic friends to do some cute pattern on it. Me I have no artistic vein what so ever when it comes to drawing and paitning. More a cut and paste peson.

Then we have pidestal (Sorry no before pics on this) this is how it looks afte 2 coatings w silver paints. I really like how it turned out daddy hmm he keeps on sayng it would have bin nicer white. What a luck that its gonna be in my flat & not his. Early in the days (when i was an infant) it had a horible faded ivoy white colour like when white plastic turns yellow kind of colour. what do you think would it have bin better white ??

I'm planning to have one massive green plant on it and then I'll see what will land on top. Lets just pray the plan will stay green instead of going in bown/black colors as my other one did.

p.s I do wish all those beer crates in background was mine, but only oe is :( d.s

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