Sunday, September 23

101things to do before you die- Monopoly pubcrawl

A couple of years ago a friend of mine got the book 101 things to do before you die and well I wasn't slow in getting one and also giving it to party twin on her birthday. In this book there are some great things, some that have bin on my list for a while and others like the London monopoly pubcrawl (neverr heard of before) that was just one of those things i just had to do...

So me & my yfriends promised that we will do it together, thing is just to get time together to do it. But one day in a not to distant future we hope it will happen.

There is just a slight detail about the rules since there are 26 pubs to visit a PINT would be suicide, but no drink at all would be cheating........

photo: viral, 101 things to do

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