Tuesday, October 9

Eye lashes

These are so cool. I want them, imagine wearing them at a cool party all dressed up in a nice dress and them to top it off.
Being posh and all!


I would go for the more suttle ones, that just add a little bit of extra. Just like a lady!

photo: make up store

1 comment:

stasia said...

jag har på mig ett par här; http://bp1.blogger.com/_DB89TA7emQ0/RiK7b02C1aI/AAAAAAAAA7c/Ubqg1lr99Yo/s1600-h/DSCF3166.JPG som liknar de ovan. mina är en längre variant dock, verkar det som. supertjusiga. de klubbade jag runt i new york med. awesome!