Sunday, November 30

Parfymen by Patrick Süskind

I have just read the book:

Parfymen (the perfume)
by: patrick Süskind

and I really really liked it. Have only heard a little about it before I started reading it and didn't really know what to expect from it.

I new the story was a murderer who made amazing perfumes but that was about it. When reading it you fell sick from what elements he is using in his perfumes how he explain thinks and that he refers to a tick all the time is just gross.

Even though I had this masssive essay due I could not stop reading the book and it only took 3 days from that I started on page 1 until I finished it off. 8remeber I have read about 1000 pages of articles fro my essay at the same time).

If you like a great story with interesting twists I really think you shold read this book.

page count: 3542+ 246= 3808


Anonymous said...

Visst är han äckligt och på samma gång fascinerande? Vad tyckte du om slutet? Jag tycker det är lite "over the top", men på något konstigt sätt ändå okej.

Bambie said...

tror inte jag mått så vidrigt av en bok, men samtidigt varit så facinerad av den att jag bara måste fortsätta läsa den. Sluetet ja: ehm vet inte vad jag ska tycka egentligen om det.