The Bone Garden
By: Tess Gerristen
Well this was the first book that I bought on my trip to Geramnay over new years. Had some book deciding issues when standing at the 'huge' english book counter at the airport.
But my decision was grandted succesful and I became the unsocial reader until my book was finished.
We are talking reading until middle of night, happily sitting in a rockingchair a full day reading nonstop almost on the border of antisocial behaviour.
Did managed to peel my eyes of the pages occasionally (like breakfast and hmm was there anyother time?!)
In the story I'm thrown from the present into the 1830's Boston slum, medicals school and the rish world. I feel the lice crawling over my body, the smells from unkept bodies in the slum and it just shriwesls in me of disgust, but at the same time I'm gripped by the lack of knowledge in the hosptial and since they hadn't discovered hygene there is no wonder. The story binds several people together through birth, death, murder, infidelity and ofcourse how could you get through a story like this without the love, the broken heart and the jealous auntie?! Oh nad the letters in the future the grumpy old man and the newly divorced lady....
Its the kind of book that captures you, pulls you in and it really feels like you are standing there on the street looking at them and getting gripped by their horrid life and insidents.
I loved it until the last 2 chapters... The ending will not sure what to say just to far fetched just to much of it all, come on please yes you might figure it would end like that, but Hello no sorry that you brings it down.
I will only give the book 3-4 Bambies, its a shame because the story was just awsome, but thats usually what happens with the books I read, the bloody holywood movie ending occ
page count: 3808 + 526= 4234
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