Sunday, July 12

4) Mötley Crüe The Dirt: Bekännelser från världens mest ökända rockband

Mötley Crüe the dirt: Bekännelser från världens mest ökända rockband
by: Neil Strauss

Omg I could not stop reading. I new nothing about the band except that they play really really loud music & almost destroyed my hearing when I was working the bar at one of their concerts. Their story feels so surreal, sad and amazing all at once.
You feel sorry for them for their horrid childhods, get scared from ther alohol, drug and sex abuse. All the time I'm wondering how many sexual diseases they have bin carrying through out their lives. Fear and death is not part of their vocabular, instead its violence, damage and arrested.

For some rerason I had to start looking for more information online as I was reading, listening to songs etc on you tube. I didn't want it to end, I wanted more of the story than what I got even though its a sad story about 4 guys that want one thing and does allthey want/ feel like at the moment. On some occassions I see my students infront of me & am not surprised by this bands behaviour at all since they are on the influence almost the whole time. What does amaze me is that they actually managed to produe something that ould be called music and lyrics!

It all just ended to soon, I want more am not satisfied at all.

I give it a 4.

page count: 6731 + 573 = 7304

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