Vampire Diaries- The Awakening
J.L. Smith
J.L. Smith
A students of mine told me that if I like the Twilight saga I had to read the Vampire diaries. SO when I was ordering books around christmas I got this one to bot book 1 and 2.
I started reading it last week and finished it within two days. As you know now if I like a book I will finish it swiftly.
At first it reminded me a little to much about Twilight (yes I know this story was written long before twilight was even thought of). But I just couldn't stop reading. Its a little scary and when my vivid imagination starts running away I see and hear lots of interesting things in my apartment. And yet again I want a Vampire to fall in love with me, but not so sure about having a brother that hates me that is also a vampire.
After finishing the book I just want to read more about Elena, Stefan, Damon and Bonnie. Have started watching the Tv-show but not the same as the books.
I give this one a five
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