Saturday, December 4

Day 07 - My bestfriend

Instead of having to decide who is my best friend. I will tell you about my friends....

There are the friends no matter how long it has been when we talk it feels like yesterday. And as my dear friend I put it "mi casa your casa". These are the friends where you feel at home in their home and are not afraid to tell them if you are hungry, need to borrow something etc. In my world these are your closest friends the ones that you can tell anything to.

Then there are the friends you have known for years but still don't feel at home with. It is not that perfect match but you have fun together and share a common interest.

Then you have the shallow friends where its ok to hang out when there is nothing else to do. Or even worse make plans and always cancell or never set a date..... These are not real friends, but they tend to pop up now and then.

What is intersting with friendship is that with some people ot takes a long time to get close but when you are there its a solid one. Then you have the friends where you get close like that and are inseperatable (yes this can occur at a grown up age to).

What I'm trying to say is that I don't have one best friend I have several. I have two party twins that I always miss ( I guess they would be classified as my best friends). Then I have other friends that I speak to at least once a week and also miss dearly when away.

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