Tuesday, December 28

Fjäril vingad

Fjäril vingad
By: Johanna Svensson

This book is written by a teenager for teenagers. It is actually one of my students that have written it and that is the sole reason why I got it in the first place. So how did I like it?

Yes its a teenage book with lots of emotions as you go through when you are 17 years old. In many ways I could regonise myself, but in others it was just a little to perfect and simple. No its not a girl who get everything she wants but after an argument with your mother being allowed to live with your grandmother I found hard to belive. Or maybe that is because my parents would never have let me do that after breaking a boys heart! If so I would have been banished from home by age 19 and never let back in the house...

I could not put the book down and afterwards I was left with so many feelings and thoughts that it surprised me.

I give this book a four.

page count: 7 152 + 183 = 7 335

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