Sunday, April 8

Easter & Reincarnation

Hmm, well this with celebrating Easter involves eating a little bit of egg and a nice dinner w parents.
No easter egg this year, but oh well think I can survive without one evern though it would have bin nice.

The reincaraion bit hmm well bit spooky thinking this way, but on good friday i might have seen my old cat. No not a vision, but a livig item. he disapeared 2 yrs ago in June. I have not seen him for yrs so... Every time a blackc cat shows up at home we wonder if that is him. It isn't helping that ppl down the street hass his son who is a smaller copy of him.

So this cat i saw, a ruffled cat who looked like it had bin living in the bush for a while, missing peice of ear horrile fur, but same size and eyes. When I started talking to him he replied came up and behaved as mine used to when outside resistant, not letting me touch him but talking and walking just out of reach.

He headed for veranda door but got scared and ran back into the forest. Mom saw it to and now we r like was that him or a cat similar looking?!

The wondeing continues....

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