Ok I'm obsessed this time with a (hmm ok 3) pair of shoes, all labeled marc by marc jacobs. There is ONE thing though that is disturbing this obsession & that is the height of the heel of the pink pair. Imagine if they were in the same height as the green pair with stones I would imagine that they already would have bin in my possesion by now and the same with the green pair woíthout stones. I'm in love with marc by marc jacobs shoes (who isn't) and crave them badly.
U might ask what is stopping me except the price tag that is a months rents (on 50% sale). The second thing is the MAJOR problem (hehe) 12 cm heels I can not even come up w an ecuse that say maybe when i meet the perfect guy that is 2.10 m tall since I have a feeling my neck will be broken before that.
What makes things worse is that I think they go on sale at Mrs H tommorrow. Oh the pain the suffering but some one will be happy & aas long as they treat them with tender loving I will be pleased. So promise who ever buy them TREAT THEM WELL...
photo: mrs H
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