I'm praying the 5 weeks holiday will more put my life back into real order where boys, shopping, parties and booze become the top 5 topics here and NOT WORK. I swear after monday I will try and limit my farm talk to only Once a week......
I guess its the 10 hrs days that is kicking in and well when you r lecturing about cows, reading abut cows, working with cows in th emost UNFLATTERING outfits ever I guess its kinda hard to think about anything else when you aren't at work since I seem to be working as soon as I put my as down infront of computer or even the telly.
But then to this is MY BLOG and i write about what ever I want to and hat is oon my mind, unfortuntaley there seem to be only cows on my mind. Today i'm espcecially blown up since the foreman told me that he wouldn't have survoived the avo wo my help (did I blow up like a peacock or what)...
I tried to get a photo of my super sexy outfit, but the camera man only focused on upperbod :(
Promise you will get a fullbody shot one day (maybe when clotes aren't soaking wet and DIRTY (haha I gues I can dream on then)) And guess what you gain like 100 pounds as soon as you put yur gear on. compared with this mornings outfit for sure
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