Tuesday, June 19

Need a new BCD? maybe the Mares Airtrim is for you then

maybe the Mares Airtrim is for you then

Who doesn't need a new BCD (or one in general) what wouldn't be more perfect than this on from Mares?? Mares Airtrim was first patented in Italy 1997 and then USA 2001. My diving side of me is going through shakes and quivers it just W A N T it NOW. Sport Diver has more information about it here if you are interested

Sounds like the perfect BCD for me whith blody hollow bones and a lung capacty than can compete with an elephant.

I think it is time for me to start plannign another dive trip, my body is starting to go through major urges to get under the sea again. The peacefullness, the quiet, the view and well for aprefect dive I need my perfect dive buddy with me aka party twin ;) I promise there will be more information regarding me & my twin in crime (no not partner but twin)

photo: Sport diver/ Mares Airtrim

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