Well i went way outside this square when I started uni on a different continent and because of thihs everything I have to do when it comes to applying to things it takes for ever, requires at least 15 more pages of papers from different organisations to show that these papers are true yy degrees are real and equal to Swedish degrees, not only that I also have to show that yes i lived outside the country for those years that i studied these degrees (ehm well ofcourse 'duh') etc etc.
This mean that when u apply to be able to become a memberr of a union and hence if i get unemployed be able to get some money it takes about 12 months for the application to befinalised.
Yay great! and then came the mistake from the union they sent me a bill for that year of memebership my papers were underconsideration of a mere €300! WTF u can imagine my cheerfullnness when I opened that letter.

I have called an complained the first girl could not stop laughing when I told her my point of view (mademepissed off), second woman tried to keep her face straight but same here shse was close to lauhing. Reason well it was their fault and of course they could see my anger in this buisness and if i get some new forms singed by work they will fix this issue and remove that fee and change memberrship dates etc etc.
No I only have another 2 forms to fill out and then that should be settled (fingers crossed).
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