I will give you guys a brief review of the books I'm reading this summer and finishes. I have a cocuple of books i have started but due to lack of time and motivation have not yet finished this year.
I will also do a toll cont in how many pages I do managed to read this summer since actual books will be more than plenty. I plan to finish of that pile next to my bed of half read books and I also plan to make a huge chuk out of my unread books pile (more than 10 at the moment) end of summer I will give a top 5 or 10 list depending on amount of books i read.
ofcourse I start wth only brining 2 books with me to mum and dads and finish both before i have had time to get some new ones (going home on thurs).
nice illustrations.
Right now I'm reading the Mötley crue biography - The Dirt.
is it worth reading?
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