Tonight I'm going out eating indinan food and after that its the movies. We are going to see "the girl who played with fire". Am hoping its good.
Am in nthe mood to party tonight to, but my body and most of wallet can't handle toights like last night in a row. And I didn't dane that much, but most guys were hot and good dancers (those in my age that is) then I made a couple of older mens night by dancing with them. It takes alot for me to decline an offer done when you are on a dancefestival. But after a guy tried to wrinng my knee out of place that was it I was just over it (Ie only danced with friends or reallyy hot guys after that (30 min left of eveing)).
If I was going out tonight to a party I would love to have had this dress. Would definately have in the diso bowl at the party, but that is so hot at the right place....

photo: see of shoes