Thank god book 6 redeemed itself after teh downfall of book 5. I still think though that it all should have ended with book 4.
Elena and Damon are traveling to the dark dimensions to find the pieces for the fox key. This is an emotional journey on all levels for all caracters involved. They meet some interesting caracters throughout this journey and ofcourse Elenas dearest friends catch up with them on this trip. Stefan is back and because of that its not as harsh as book 5 was. Book 5 reminded me of New moon from twilight in the pain I was feeling while reading it and the unbearable heartache that I had the entire time. Here thank good the heartache is relived, but not in any way that you can imagine. I'm now cheering for Damon!
I give it a four.
Page count: 4 395 + 486 = 4 881
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