By: Jenny Diski
This was one of the books that we were supposed to read this summer for the reading circle. I never had time to read it during the summer or fall. It wasn't really until I started commuting with the train to and from uni that I really got into it. The author is travelling around America by train. We get to follow her on two separate trips when she is traveling alone. It the people she met, the feeling she has and the evnts during the trip that makes me wanna take a similar trip. I love meeting new people and getting to know their story. Most often I tend to do this while sitting on a platform, airport, busstation, backpacker bar etc. My favorite qoute is from the end of the book and it spoke straight to my heart "Journeys come to an end before they end, just as they begin before they begin - with the arrival of anticipation. "
It almost made me pickup smoking again.
give this book a 4.
Page count: 6 852 + 280 = 7 132
It almost made me pickup smoking again.
Page count: 6 852 + 280 = 7 132
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