Tuesday, April 26


2010 I left my life as it was in Sweden to move to Australia to study. I left love in Sweden actually when I left I had two different guys in my life. The weeks moving up towards the move was all cheery and I didn't look back when I left.

At this time I didn't even really reflect over love and being single. I was getting an adventure of my life in Australia. Why would I ever say no to that for a guy? I have never looked back and never regretted my choices I made then.

2002/2003 I fell in love with another guy, but he was never available for me since I chickened out when he was single. I went home to Sweden and when I came back he had found a girl. It just wasn't meant to be and even though I sometimes wonder what might have happened if I had had more curage I still accept the outcome.

Since then love has bin a part of my life, but unfortunately also alot of heartache where I have had to stick, glue, scotchteip, amputate parts of my heart. For three years I have healed it back together letting rest after the lastest heartbreak. No that guy was not Mr Right but I think he is one of those that hurt me the most with all the dishonesty and twotiming.

Now 2011 I have been given an oportunity of a lifetime to go to Mexico for 4 months to study primates in their real environment (the rainforest). I have also been on 3 of the best dates in my life since march (no no high speed dating here). For some reason I can't be happy that I'm going away. To much have happened in my life since march that I don't know what is up or down anymore.

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