Saturday, March 17

March 17th

7 years ago I sat in a waiting room at the hospital unsure of what the future would hold for me. My dad was in surgery, my best friend took a day of work to keep me company and I was in uni following my dream, I had met what I thought was the love of my life.

1 year ago I sat in a lecture hall listening to my friends disputation. I spoke to my dad earlier in the day, spoke to my new love of my life and everything was going smoothly.

Today I sit at home healing. I spoke to my friend and family this week. I'm trying to heal my heart after the love of my life left me in December, I'm also trying to heal my brain and body after I ran into the famous wall in December. 

I have learned that life is more rough than smooth and that in bad times you need to find the good bits, even if it's just a bar of chocolate right then. 

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